Professional Training

Course Catalog

Joining a Mentor Source course is just a click away. Several of our training events have been recorded live and are now available online 7 days per week, 24 hours per day.   Check out our demo to get the look and feel of our e-Learning offerings.

Free registration required.

Project ManagementProject Management

Courses Related to Project Management.These courses also help satisfy on-going training requirements to maintain PMP, CBAP, FAC-P/PM, and FAC-COR credentials.


Security TrainingRole Based Security Training

Courses Related to IT Security Training. All Federal Agencies are required to ensure employees and contractors receive annual Information Security awareness training and role-based training in compliance with OMB A-130, Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) (Draft) Special Publication (SP) 800-16 Rev.1. Our Awareness & Security training helps to shape user behavior to be more secure and satisfy mandated training requirements


cc2fe6e727cd41638cc63751e0a095d1IPv6 Training

Courses Related to Security Training. The fundamental underlying technology that has powered Internet Protocol addresses since the Internet’s inception will soon be exhausted. A new technology will take its place, though. IPv4’s successor is IPv6, a system that will not only offer far more numerical addresses, but will simplify address assignments and additional network security features.



Information Technology Courses

This section includes courses related to the technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of computers and software for the processing, storage, and distribution of information

Mentor Source, Inc. online course policies – Please Read Before Purchasing
Please read each of these carefully, as these policies will be strictly enforced.
  • e-Learning Users are Not Allowed to Share Account Access – Under no circumstances is it permissible for two or more people to share the same e-Learning account. An e-Learning account is similar to a software license, in that the permission to use the service lies solely with one person. e-Learning subscriptions are not transferable, and cannot be shared or resold. If account activity indicates multiple users on one account, the account will be terminated immediately and no refund will be given.
  • e-Learning Users are Not Allowed to Teach or Instruct from Mentor Source’s Online Courses – Although permission and licensing structures are available to teach with permission from Mentor Source’s printed workbooks and presentation materials, no one will be given permission to use Mentor Source’s e-Learning courses as instructional tools. Showing Mentor Source courses as part of another training program or meeting is equivalent to stealing intellectual property and is strictly prohibited.
  • There are No Refunds Available for e-Learning – If you are unsure whether or not your computer system is compatible with Mentor Source’s e-Learning applications, we encourage you view the free demo lesson prior to purchasing. If your system presents the graphics, audio and video in this demo correctly, you should have no problem using any of Mentor Source’s e-Learning courses.